Sorry for the long break since the last post. But it's been really crazy (in a good way of course) since I last blogged. So many things have been changing this year. I left my job in June to pursue full-time ministry and stay home with Lily, Brian launched his own plumbing company called Plumbing Works, and we are right on schedule to move to Colorado in three weeks. So... needless to say, we've been on the run!
Here's a synopsis of the last couple of months...
In June, the Lord transitioned me into full-time ministry. Since then I have been teaching the Word of God and ministering regularly at bible studies, healing bootcamps, seminars, etc. In fact, I counted it up the other day and I have been averaging about 5 speaking engagements a month since June. It's been awesome to watch the Lord open the doors and move. In other news, I have been training to run the Chicago marathon, which was last weekend. The race was actually cut short due to the heat, but I did get a medal and run 18 miles. Not to bad for a former excercise hater...
Here's a synopsis of the last couple of months...
In June, the Lord transitioned me into full-time ministry. Since then I have been teaching the Word of God and ministering regularly at bible studies, healing bootcamps, seminars, etc. In fact, I counted it up the other day and I have been averaging about 5 speaking engagements a month since June. It's been awesome to watch the Lord open the doors and move. In other news, I have been training to run the Chicago marathon, which was last weekend. The race was actually cut short due to the heat, but I did get a medal and run 18 miles. Not to bad for a former excercise hater...
As for Brian, he has been supporting me of course in all these activities, while at the same time building his own plumbing business. For awhile he was working a full-time job with the union and doing his own plumbing work. But in September, he began working for Plumbing Works full-time and is loving it - praise the Lord... Can you say increase??!!
But regardless of how busy it's been, both Brian and I recognize that it's time to begin to setup systems to support the ministry's growth and enable us to stay in touch with people after we move. So moving forward, my goal is to post an entry at least once a week. Also, since so many people have been requesting a monthly coorespondence, I'm also checking into starting a monthly letter and launching a more user friendly website/blog with the ability to download teaching articles, submit prayer requests, download mp3 teachings, and make donations. So, if anyone has any thoughts, suggestions or time to donate towards these projects, please let me know!
In other exciting news, I am currently working on my first mini book that should be released before year end. It's called "ATTACK ON LACK" and is based on the Psalm 23:1 - "The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not lack." The focus of the book is to teach Believers how to stop being complacent about the areas of lack in their lives, whether they be financial, relational, physcial or spiritual, and to go on the offense using the word of God as their weapon to eradicate every trace of lack in their lives. The word of God is chocked full of promises for abundance. Therefore, as the Body of Christ we are not without the means to overcome insufficiency in every area. I could go on and on about this topic and what the Lord has been showing me, but suffice it to say that I'm really excited about this project and looking foward to getting the book into the hands of the Body of Christ.
Lastly, please continue to lift Brian and I up in prayer as we prepare to move our family to Colordo at the end o the month. God has already made miraculous provisions for us during this year of transition and we expect nothing less as we take this next step of faith.
Until next week... Keep Dwelling in the Secret Place!
P.S. The picture was taken from Colorado Springs (where we are moving), it's a great view of Pike's Peak with Garden of the Gods in the foreground.