I've been getting quite a few requests for a copy of the prophecy and prayer confession that was included in my ministry's January mailing. So for convenience sake, I thought I'd go ahead and post them online:
In 2008, people are going to be positioned and aligned to manifest the glory of Jesus Christ like never before. This will mean big changes for some and small adjustments for others, but it will be a year of alignment with heaven so that heaven’s blueprint can be transposed over what currently exists. 2008 will be a year of heaven on earth like never before. Things that once took a long time to manifest will now come quickly. Seeds sown in word, deed and material form will bring forth a harvest more quickly than ever before for both good and evil. The dividing line between black and white, light and dark will become clearer. Therefore, being led by peace will be more important that ever this year. In 2008, as you incline your ear to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying each and every day and roll your works upon the Lord committing your way to Him each morning, you will be doing things that you never thought possible. The Lord is going to orchestrate divine connections like never before and that’s why he will be asking some of you to make adjustments and changes in your surroundings, in your relationships, in your careers and in your speech. He’s going to expect more from you this year because he’s been preparing you for a time such as this and he needs you to go this distance in this hour. So now is not the time to grow weary in well doing or to allow your heart to faint even if circumstances are contrary. No, now is the time to gird up your loins and fight the good fight of faith, trusting that God is on your side and working things out together for your good. Now is the time to take the sword of the Spirit and speak the word only. Now is the time to take a step of faith in obedience to the prompting of the Spirit in your hearts. Yes, now is the time to sell out to the heavenly calling that God has made you able to fulfill and to trust God enough to obey his instructions no matter how crazy or ridiculous they may seem. God is counting on you. We are his bride and body in this earth. So indeed without him we can do nothing, but also without us neither can he. 2008 will go down in history as the year when Believers from all over the world abandoned themselves to the plans of heaven and did whatever was necessary to see God’s will birthed in the earth. So answer the call, obey the word and watch His will come to pass. In 2008, His glory will visibly shine for all to see.
Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for this New Year. Thank you that in 2008 I am walking out your perfect plan and purpose for my life. You said all of the days of my life were written in your book before any of them took shape and I declare that I am in full agreement with your plans for my life. I am fulfilling what you have written about me. I declare that I am in the places, positions and relationships that you have called me to be in. I am in your perfect will and making a difference in this world. I am free from distractions, encumbrances and sin. The eyes of my spiritual understanding have been enlightened and I know the hope of my calling. I know who I am in Christ and what I’m called to do. I know my position in Christ and declare that I am in agreement with heaven. I am in one accord with your will. I have rolled my works over to you and my thoughts have become agreeable with yours. I have the mind of Christ concerning your will for me and my family in 2008. I am hearing the voice of the Good Shepherd clearly. I hear your instructions clearly with regards to what I am to accomplish this year and declare that it is finished. I make supernatural progress in 2008. The things I am called to accomplish in 2008 are finished. The provision is provided and it is done. The anointing is working in my life and I am doing what I am anointed to do when I am anointed to do it. The Lord orchestrates divine circumstances all throughout 2008 so that everything that is needed to fulfill his plans shows up exactly when it is supposed to. I live free of toil, stress and worry in 2008. I am a walking manifestation of the glory of God. I am a living epistle. Miracles are following me and my life is a testimony to the character and goodness of God. I am running my course with joy and fighting the good fight of faith. I have laid hold on eternal life and am experiencing God’s best. 2008 is the best year of my life so far. The Father and I are walking as one and therefore in 2008, life is great! In Jesus Name, AMEN!
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. - Psalm 91:1 (AMP)